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Assembly Source File
2,545 lines
; mandala source (c) 1996/97 by Gábor Papp [rod/mandula]
; contact me at s5001@sun10.vsz.bme.hu or rod@inf.bme.hu
; visit us at www.inf.bme.hu/~mandula
; this header must stay at the top of this file.
; this material is not freeware. you are allowed to copy it without
; restrictions for non-commercial use. no payment of any kind may be charged
; for this product or any combination of products or services including this
; product without the author's authorization and official written license.
; commercial use is strictly prohibited.
; you may only look at the source, you may not use it.
; you must not use this code or derivatives in your productions.
; you may use the algorithms in non commercial productions if you credit me.
;·····················[macro magic by hyp-x/mandula]·····················
nowarn res
.close macro
ife open_seg-1
purge %intcls
.code macro segname
ifb <segname>
_text segment para public use16 'code'
assume cs:_text
%intcls macro
_text ends
segname segment para public use16 'code'
assume cs:&segname
%intcls macro
segname ends
.data macro
_data segment para public use16 'data'
%intcls macro
_data ends
.data? macro
_bss segment para public use16 'bss'
%intcls macro
_bss ends
.stack macro size
ifdef mod_tiny
display "**error** tiny programs shouldn't have a stack."
nowarn res
stack segment para stack use16 'stack'
warn res
ifb <size>
db 1024 dup(?)
db size dup(?)
stack ends
.fardata? macro segname
ifb <segname>
display "**error** far segment must have a name."
segname segment para public use16 'far_bss'
%intcls macro
segname ends
end macro startlabel
purge end
end startlabel
%groupdef macro
ifdef mod_nearstack
.stack 0
group dgroup _data,_bss,stack
assume ds:dgroup
@data equ dgroup
group dgroup _data,_bss
assume ds:dgroup
@data equ dgroup
.model macro model_def,stack_mod
ifidni <stack_mod>,<nearstack>
mod_nearstack equ 1
ifidni <model_def>,<tiny>
mod_tiny equ 1
group com_group text,data,bss
ifidni <model_def>,<small>
mod_small equ 1
display "**error** the model is not valid or not implemented."
.name macro modulname
ifb <modulname>
display "**error** modul definition must have a name."
_text equ <modulname>
warn res
.model small
.stack 256
nowarn res
load macro para1,para2
push para2
pop para1
movfdd macro mem,data
mov mem,012345678h
org $-4
dd data
setalc macro
db 0d6h
.fardata? @virtscr
db 64000 dup (?)
.fardata? @mazeseg
db 65535 dup (?)
.fardata? @clouds
db 64000 dup (?)
.fardata? @mandala
db 65535 dup(?)
.fardata? @distabseg
distable db 64000 dup(?)
.fardata? @circtabseg
circtable db 64000 dup(?)
.fardata? @degtabseg
degtable db 64000 dup (?)
.fardata? @multabseg
multable db 65535 dup(?)
sintable dw 64 dup(?)
costable dw 256 dup(?)
palette db 768 dup(?)
fadeinval dw ?
fadeoutval dw ?
mandinit dw ?
dist dw 200 dup(?)
angle dw ?
xpos db ?
ypos db ?
xc dw ?
yc dw ?
radius dw ?
color db ?
liney dw ?
linexstart dw ?
linexend dw ?
skyxstart dw ?
timer dd ?
deg dw ?
x0 dq ?
x dq ?
y dq ?
addx dq ?
addy dq ?
bailout dq ?
r dq ?
phi dq ?
status dw ?
dd ?
fire db 32*16 dup (?)
dd ?
balldata1 dw 32*32 dup (?)
balldata2 dw 32*32 dup (?)
balldata3 dw 32*32 dup (?)
balldata4 dw 32*32 dup (?)
balldata5 dw 32*32 dup (?)
balldata6 dw 32*32 dup (?)
balldata7 dw 32*32 dup (?)
balloffsets dw 7 dup (?)
sqr dw ?
ddtemp dd ?
dwtemp dw ?
alpha dw ?
beta dw ?
gamma dw ?
sinalpha dw ?
r11 dw ?
r12 dw ?
r13 dw ?
r21 dw ?
r22 dw ?
r23 dw ?
r31 dw ?
r32 dw ?
r33 dw ?
add11 dw ?
add12 dw ?
db ?
dw ?
object dw np-2 dup(?,?,?)
currentobject dw np dup(?,?,?)
align 4
zlist dw np dup(?,?)
ballx dw ?
bally dw ?
fireinit dw ?
sz255 dd ?
stripeinit dw ?
morph dw ?
fpu_cw dw ?
t_fadeleft = 128
t_left = 450
t_right = 850
t_faderight = 978
t_mandalain = 1106
t_mandala = 1600
t_mandalaout = 1728
t_stripein = 1856
t_stripe = 2300
t_stripeout = 2428
t_firein = 2556
t_fireballs = 3600
t_fireout = 3728
main proc near
pop ax
mov cx,2
loop $
fnstcw fpu_cw
cmp byte ptr [fpu_cw+1],3
jne @@out
in al,21h
or al,6
out 21h,al
call genmaze
load es,0
mov eax,es:[4*8]
mov cs:oldint8,eax
lea bx,cs:newint8
mov es:[4*8],bx
mov es:[4*8+2],cs
mov al,36h
out 43h,al
mov ax,428bh
out 40h,al
mov al,ah
out 40h,al
load ds,@data
call gensintable
call initwave
call mandala
load es,ds
lea di,fire-4
mov cx,32*16/2+4
xor ax,ax
rep stosw
mov radius,14
mov cx,7
lea di,balldata1
xor bx,bx
@@transfcalc: mov balloffsets[bx],di
push cx bx
call balltransform
pop bx cx
add bx,2
dec radius
loop @@transfcalc
push ds
load es,ds
load ds,cs
lea si,cubes
lea di,object
mov cx,np*3*2
rep movsb
pop ds
mov ax,13h
int 10h
call genlogo
call genclouds
xor eax,eax
mov dword ptr alpha,eax
mov gamma,ax
mov skyxstart,ax
mov angle,ax
mov word ptr xpos,ax
mov timer,eax
mov fadeinval,ax
mov mandinit,ax
mov stripeinit,ax
mov deg,ax
mov fireinit,ax
@@timingeffects:mov eax,timer
cmp eax,t_fadeleft
jb @@fadeleft
cmp eax,t_left
jb @@toleft
cmp eax,t_right
jb @@toright
cmp eax,t_faderight
jb @@faderight
cmp mandinit,0
je @@mandinit
cmp eax,t_mandalain
jb @@mandalain
cmp eax,t_mandala
jb @@mandala
cmp eax,t_mandalaout
jb @@mandalaout
cmp stripeinit,0
je @@stripeinit
cmp eax,t_stripein
jb @@stripein
cmp eax,t_stripe
jb @@stripe
cmp eax,t_stripeout
jb @@stripeout
cmp fireinit,0
je @@fireinit
cmp eax,t_firein
jb @@firein
mov word ptr cs:fireroot,0bfbfh
cmp eax,t_fireballs
jb @@fireballs
mov word ptr cs:fireroot,0h
cmp eax,t_fireout
jb @@fireout
jmp @@todos
mov bp,fadeinval
call fade
load es,@virtscr
call sky
call drawmaze
call drawvirt
inc skyxstart
inc byte ptr angle
add xpos,2
add ypos,2
jmp @@endeffect
mov bp,fadeoutval
call fade
@@toright: cmp timer,t_right
ja @@nomax
mov fadeoutval,128
load es,@virtscr
call sky
call drawmaze
call drawvirt
dec skyxstart
dec byte ptr angle
sub xpos,2
add ypos,4
mov fadeinval,0
jmp @@endeffect
@@stripeinit: lea si,cs:stripepal
call fillpalette
push es
call stripes
load es,0a000h
mov cx,32000
xor ax,ax
xor di,di
rep stosw
pop es
mov dword ptr cs:shadepatch1,0100878ah
mov dword ptr cs:shadepatch2,0100a78ah
mov stripeinit,1
mov fadeinval,0
mov bp,fadeinval
call fade
jmp @@stripe
mov bp,fadeoutval
call fade
jmp @@stripewave
@@stripe: mov fadeoutval,128
@@stripewave: mov morph,20
call distabgen
load fs,@distabseg
jmp @@mandalawave
@@mandinit: lea si,cs:mandalapal
call fillpalette
mov cx,32000
xor ax,ax
xor di,di
rep stosw
mov mandinit,1
mov bp,fadeinval
call fade
jmp @@mandala
mov bp,fadeoutval
call fade
load fs,@circtabseg
cmp timer,t_mandala
ja @@mandalawave
mov fadeoutval,128
@@mandalawave: load gs,@mandala
push es
load es,@multabseg
mov cx,256
xor di,di
mov si,deg
add si,si
@@0: mov ax,ds:sintable[si]
push ax
mov bl,16
sar ax,4
neg al
mov es:[di+256],al
pop ax
sar ax,5
add ax,128
add si,8
and si,511
loop @@0
pop es
sub byte ptr deg,5
call wave
call waitrtc
jmp @@endeffect
@@fireinit: call wood
lea si,cs:firepal
call fillpalette
mov fadeinval,0
mov fireinit,1
mov bp,fadeinval
call fade
jmp @@fireballs
mov bp,fadeoutval
call fade
@@fireballs: cmp timer,t_fireballs
ja @@goballs
mov fadeoutval,128
@@goballs: call makefire
push ds
load es,@virtscr
load ds,@mazeseg
xor di,di
xor si,si
mov cx,32000
rep movsw
pop ds
call drawobject
call drawvirt
add byte ptr alpha,1
add byte ptr beta,-2
add byte ptr gamma,1
jmp @@endeffect
@@endeffect: in al,60h
dec al
jnz @@timingeffects
@@todos: in al,21h
and al,255-6
out 21h,al
mov ah,1
int 16h
jz @@pufferisempty
xor ax,ax
int 16h
load es,0
mov eax,cs:oldint8
mov es:[4*8],eax
mov al,36h
out 43h,al
xor ax,ax
out 40h,al
out 40h,al
mov ax,3
int 10h
@@out: load ds,cs
lea dx,cs:endmessage
mov ah,9
int 21h
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
endmessage db "(c) 1996/97 by rod/mandula",13,10,'$'
main endp
wave proc near
push ds
load ds,@multabseg
mov di,32
mov dh,0
@@yloop: mov dl,0
mov cx,word ptr fs:distable[di]
mov bl,cl
mov bh,0
shadepatch1: mov al,0
mov bh,[bx]
mov bl,dl
mov cl,[bx]
mov bl,dh
mov bh,[bx]
mov bl,cl
add al,gs:[bx+7168]
inc dl
mov bl,ch
mov bh,0
shadepatch2: mov ah,0
mov bh,[bx]
mov bl,dl
mov ch,[bx]
mov bl,dh
mov bh,[bx]
mov bl,ch
add ah,gs:[bx+7168]
mov es:[di],ax
inc dl
add di,2
cmp dl,0
jne @@xloop
add di,320-256
inc dh
cmp dh,200
jne @@yloop
pop ds
wave endp
distabgen proc near
mov ax,deg
mov cs:byte ptr @@patch+2,al
push es fs gs
load fs,@degtabseg
load gs,@circtabseg
load es,@distabseg
mov di,63999
mov dx,morph
@@loop: mov cl,gs:[di]
mov bl,fs:[di]
@@patch: add bl,0ffh
mov bh,0
add bx,bx
mov ax,ds:sintable[bx]
idiv dl
add al,cl
mov es:[di],al
dec di
jnz @@loop
pop gs fs es
distabgen endp
stripes proc near
load es,@mandala
xor di,di
mov cx,32768
xor ax,ax
rep stosw
xor si,si
xor cx,cx
xor di,di
mov ax,15
call random
inc ax
mov bx,cs:ctable[si-2]
mov ah,es:[di+bx]
mov bx,cs:ctable[si]
add ah,es:[di+bx]
shr ah,1
add al,ah
add al,16
add si,2
and si,15
dec cx
jnz @@1
stripes endp
dw -257
ctable dw -256,-255,1,257,256,255,-1,-257
drawobject proc near
load es,ds
call calcrot
lea si,ds:object
lea di,ds:currentobject
mov cx,np
call rotatexyz
mov cx,np
lea si,ds:currentobject
lea di,ds:zlist
@@fillzlist: mov ax,ds:[si+4]
neg ax
mov ax,si
add si,6
loop @@fillzlist
lea cx,ds:zlist
lea dx,ds:zlist+(np-1)*4
call qsort
mov cx,np
lea si,zlist
load es,@virtscr
mov di,[si+2]
mov bx,ds:[di+4]
add bx,addzball
mov ax,ds:[di]
mov dl,ah
mov ah,al
mov al,0
idiv bx
add ax,addxball
mov ballx,ax
mov ax,ds:[di+2]
mov dl,ah
mov ah,al
mov al,0
idiv bx
add ax,addyball
mov bally,ax
sub bx,400
sar bx,6
call drawfireball
add si,4
loop @@perspective
drawobject endp
qsort proc near
mov bx,cx
add bx,dx
rcr bx,1
and bx,0FFFCh
mov si,cx
mov di,dx
mov bx,ds:[bx]
sub si,4
add di,4
add si,4
cmp ds:[si],bx
jl @@while_i
sub di,4
cmp ds:[di],bx
jg @@while_j
cmp si,di
jae @@break
mov eax,ds:[si]
mov ebp,ds:[di]
mov ds:[si],ebp
mov ds:[di],eax
jmp @@repeat
sub si,4
add di,4
cmp cx,si
jae @@noleft
push dx di
mov dx,si
call qsort
pop di dx
cmp di,dx
jae @@noright
mov cx,di
call qsort
qsort endp
drawfireball proc near
sub ballx,16
sub bally,16
add bx,bx
mov si,balloffsets[bx]
mov ax,bally
shl ax,6
mov di,ax
shl ax,2
add di,ax
add di,ballx
mov dx,32
@@yloop: mov cx,32
@@xloop: mov bx,ds:[si]
mov al,fire[bx]
or al,al
jz @@black
mov es:[di],al
mov al,es:[di+320*5+10]
cmp al,192+12
jb @@black
sub byte ptr es:[di+320*5+10],12
@@black: inc di
add si,2
loop @@xloop
add di,320-32
dec dx
jnz @@yloop
drawfireball endp
balltransform proc near
load es,ds
mov dx,-16
@@yloop: mov cx,-16
mov bx,dx
imul bx,bx
mov bally,dx
mov ballx,cx
or cx,cx
jne @@notzero
cmp dx,0
jge @@ygr0
jmp @@morecalc
@@ygr0: fldpi
movfdd ddtemp,1.5
fld ddtemp
jmp @@morecalc
@@notzero: fild bally
fild ballx
@@morecalc: mov dwtemp,32
fild dwtemp
fistp dwtemp
mov ax,cx
imul ax,ax
add ax,bx
mov sqr,ax
fild sqr
fistp sqr
mov ax,sqr
cmp ax,radius
ja @@black
sub ax,radius
neg ax
shl ax,5
add ax,dwtemp
jmp @@store
@@black: xor ax,ax
@@store: stosw
inc cx
cmp cx,16
jl @@xloop
inc dx
cmp dx,16
jl @@yloop
balltransform endp
makefire proc near
decay = 30
load es,ds
lea si,fire+32
lea di,fire
mov cx,32*16
@@actflame: lodsb
or al,al
jz @@black
cmp al,decay
jb @@black
mov dl,al
mov ax,7
call random
sub ax,3
mov bx,ax
mov ax,decay
call random
sub dl,al
mov [di+bx],dl
inc di
loop @@actflame
jmp @@actflameready
@@black: mov byte ptr [di],0
inc di
loop @@actflame
mov fire[0],0
lea di,fire+15*32
mov ax,0
fireroot = $ - 2
mov cx,16
rep stosw
makefire endp
calcrot proc near
mov bx,alpha
add bx,bx
mov ax,sintable[bx]
mov sinalpha,ax
mov di,costable[bx]
mov bx,beta
add bx,bx
mov si,sintable[bx]
mov bp,costable[bx]
mov bx,gamma
add bx,bx
mov cx,sintable[bx]
mov ax,costable[bx]
mov bx,ax
imul bp
shrd ax,dx,8
mov r11,ax
mov ax,cx
imul bp
shrd ax,dx,8
mov r12,ax
mov ax,si
mov r13,ax
neg r13
mov ax,di
imul cx
shrd ax,dx,8
mov add11,ax
mov ax,sinalpha
imul bx
shrd ax,dx,8
mov add12,ax
imul si
shrd ax,dx,8
sub ax,add11
mov r21,ax
mov ax,add11
imul si
shrd ax,dx,8
sub ax,add12
mov r32,ax
mov ax,di
imul bx
shrd ax,dx,8
mov add11,ax
mov ax,sinalpha
imul cx
shrd ax,dx,8
mov add12,ax
imul si
shrd ax,dx,8
add ax,add11
mov r22,ax
mov ax,add11
imul si
shrd ax,dx,8
add ax,add12
mov r31,ax
mov ax,sinalpha
imul bp
shrd ax,dx,8
mov r23,ax
mov ax,di
imul bp
shrd ax,dx,8
mov r33,ax
calcrot endp
rotatexyz proc near
@@rotxyz: mov ax,r12
imul word ptr ds:[si]
shrd ax,dx,8
mov bx,ax
mov ax,r22
imul word ptr ds:[si+2]
shrd ax,dx,8
add bx,ax
mov ax,r32
imul word ptr ds:[si+4]
shrd ax,dx,8
add ax,bx
mov ds:[di+2],ax
mov ax,r11
imul word ptr ds:[si]
shrd ax,dx,8
mov bx,ax
mov ax,r21
imul word ptr ds:[si+2]
shrd ax,dx,8
add bx,ax
mov ax,r31
imul word ptr ds:[si+4]
shrd ax,dx,8
add ax,bx
mov ds:[di],ax
mov ax,r13
imul word ptr ds:[si]
shrd ax,dx,8
mov bx,ax
mov ax,r23
imul word ptr ds:[si+2]
shrd ax,dx,8
add bx,ax
mov ax,r33
imul word ptr ds:[si+4]
shrd ax,dx,8
add ax,bx
mov ds:[di+4],ax
add di,6
add si,6
dec cx
jnz @@rotxyz
rotatexyz endp
wood proc near
push ds
load ds,@mazeseg
load es,ds
xor di,di
mov ax,0e1e0h
mov cx,32000
rep stosw
xor cx,cx
xor bp,bp
@@woo: mov ax,bp
add bp,bx
and ax,7
mov bl,[di-320]
or al,al
jz @@0
dec al
jz @@1
dec al
jz @@2
dec al
jz @@3
@@4: mov [di],bl
inc di
loop @@woo
pop ds
@@0: cmp bl,253
ja @@4
inc bl
@@01: inc bl
jmp @@4
@@1: cmp bl,194
jb @@4
dec bl
@@11: dec bl
jmp @@4
@@2: cmp bl,[di-321]
@@21: je @@4
jb @@01
jmp @@11
@@3: cmp bl,[di-319]
jmp @@21
wood endp
mandala proc near
load es,ds
load ds,cs
lea si,mandata
lea di,x0
mov cx,48
rep movsw
load ds,es
load es,@mandala
mov bx,85
xor di,di
fld x0
fstp x
mov dx,85
fld x
fmul x
fld y
fmul y
fstp r
fld y
fld x
fstp phi
xor cx,cx
@@iter: inc cx
fdiv r
fld st(0)
fst r
fld phi
fadd phi
fstp phi
fcomp bailout
fnstsw status
test byte ptr status+1,01000101b
jz @@out
jmp @@iter
@@out: fld phi
fmul r
fistp status
shl cx,3
add cx,status
cmp cx,256
jb @@iterout
mov cl,0
@@iterout: mov ch,cl
mov es:[di],cl
mov es:[di+85],cl
mov es:[di+85*2],cx
mov es:[di+256*85],cl
mov es:[di+256*85+85],cl
mov es:[di+256*85+85*2],cx
mov es:[di+256*85*2],cl
mov es:[di+256*85*2+85],cl
mov es:[di+256*85*2+85*2],cx
mov es:[di+256*85*3],cl
mov es:[di+256*85*3+85],cl
mov es:[di+256*85*3+85*2],cx
fld x
fadd addx
fstp x
inc di
dec dx
jnz @@xloop
add di,256-85
fld y
fadd addy
fstp y
dec bx
jnz @@yloop
mandala endp
mandata dq -1.7473876,-1.7473876,1.72384644,0.0415735
dq -0.0410288,8.0
initwave proc near
load fs,@circtabseg
load es,@degtabseg
xor di,di
movfdd sz255,1275.0
mov dx,-100
@@yloop: mov cx,-160
mov bx,dx
imul bx,bx
@@xloop: mov ax,cx
imul ax,ax
add ax,bx
mov status,ax
fild status
fistp word ptr fs:[di]
cmp cx,0
jne @@notzero
cmp dx,0
jge @@ygr0
mov al,64+128
jmp @@storedeg
@@ygr0: mov al,64
jmp @@storedeg
mov status,dx
fild status
mov status,cx
fild status
fmul sz255
fadd st,st
fistp status
mov ax,status
@@storedeg: mov es:[di],al
inc di
inc cx
cmp cx,160
jne @@xloop
inc dx
cmp dx,100
jne @@yloop
load es,@multabseg
xor di,di
mov bx,0
@@yloop2: mov cx,-127
@@xloop2: mov ax,cx
imul bx
shrd ax,dx,7
add al,128
inc cx
cmp cx,128
jle @@xloop2
inc bx
cmp bx,256
jbe @@yloop2
initwave endp
oldint8 dd ?
newint8 proc near
push ds
load ds,@data
inc ds:timer
cmp ds:fadeinval,128
je @@1
inc ds:fadeinval
@@1: cmp ds:fadeoutval,0
je @@2
dec ds:fadeoutval
pop ds
jmp dword ptr cs:oldint8
newint8 endp
gensintable proc near
xor edi,edi
mov ebx,65535
mov ebp,2*804
xor si,si
mov cx,320
@@singen: mov eax,edi
shr eax,8
mov sintable[si],ax
inc si
inc si
mov eax,edi
imul ebp
shrd eax,edx,16
sub ebx,eax
mov eax,ebx
imul ebp
shrd eax,edx,16
add edi,eax
loop @@singen
gensintable endp
drawmaze proc near
xor bx,bx
mov di,32000+160-2
@@draw: push bx
mov ax,dist[bx]
mov si,angle
add si,si
mov cx,costable[si]
push ax
imul cx
shrd ax,dx,8
mov cx,ax
mov bp,ax
neg bp
pop ax
mov bx,sintable[si]
imul bx
shrd ax,dx,8
mov dx,ax
mov si,ax
shl cx,8
shl dx,8
add ch,xpos
add dh,ypos
push ds
load ds,@mazeseg
push di cx dx
rept 80
mov bl,ch
mov bh,dh
mov ah,[bx]
add cx,si
add dx,bp
mov bl,ch
mov bh,dh
mov al,[bx]
add cx,si
add dx,bp
pop dx cx di
inc di
inc di
rept 80
sub cx,si
sub dx,bp
mov bl,ch
mov bh,dh
mov al,[bx]
sub cx,si
sub dx,bp
mov bl,ch
mov bh,dh
mov ah,[bx]
pop ds
add di,160-2
pop bx
inc bx
inc bx
cmp bx,200
jb @@draw
mov di,32000-320
mov cx,320
@@3d: push di
@@1: mov dl,10
mov bl,es:[di]
dec bl
@@2: add di,320
cmp di,64000
ja @@endrow
mov al,es:[di]
or al,al
jnz @@1
or dl,dl
jz @@2
dec dl
mov es:[di],bl
sub bl,2
jmp @@2
@@endrow: pop di
inc di
cmp di,32320
jb @@3d
drawmaze endp
genmaze proc near
load es,@mazeseg
load ds,es
mov di,32768
xor cx,cx
mov ax,di
@@randseed: imul ax,01234h
add ax,di
mov word ptr cs:@@randseed+2,ax
sar ax,0Ch
inc ax
mov ah,es:[di-256]
add ah,es:[di-257]
rcr ah,1
add al,ah
and al,127
add al,128
loop @@pixloop
mov di,65535
mov si,32767
mov dl,128
@@row2: mov cx,256
rep movsb
add si,256
mov cx,256
rep movsb
dec dl
jnz @@row2
mov dx,65536-256
mov bx,256
call alias
load ds,cs
lea si,mazedat
xor di,di
mov dl,16
@@gen: lodsw
mov bx,ax
xor ax,ax
mov bp,16
@@line: rcl bx,1
jnc @@notblack
push di
mov dh,16
@@row: mov cx,8
rep stosw
add di,256-16
dec dh
jnz @@row
pop di
@@notblack: add di,16
dec bp
jnz @@line
add di,256*15
dec dl
jnz @@gen
load ds,@data
xor bx,bx
mov cx,30
@@gendist: mov ax,256*50
idiv cx
mov dist[bx],ax
inc cx
inc bx
inc bx
cmp bx,200
jnz @@gendist
genmaze endp
genclouds proc near
load ds,@data
load fs,@clouds
lea di,ds:palette
load es,ds
mov cx,768
xor ax,ax
rep stosb
call setpalette
load es,0a000h
mov cx,100
mov linexstart,0
mov linexend,639
@@backloop: mov liney,cx
mov ax,cx
shr ax,1
add al,10
mov color,al
call horizline
dec cx
jns @@backloop
mov bp,150
@@cloudloop: mov ax,640-20
lea bx,random
call bx
add ax,10
mov xc,ax
mov ax,80
call bx
add ax,10
mov yc,ax
mov ax,10
call bx
inc ax
mov radius,ax
mov ax,50
call bx
add al,30
mov color,al
call filledcircle
dec bp
jnz @@cloudloop
call copy
load es,0a000h
xor di,di
@@smearlooprow: xor bx,bx
mov dh,0
@@smearloopcol: mov si,di
add si,bx
mov dl,fs:[si]
mov cl,dh
shr cl,1
add cl,10
cmp dl,cl
je @@marad
mov ax,50
call random
add dl,al
@@marad: mov ax,31
call random
sub ax,15
add si,ax
mov es:[si],dl
add bx,640
inc dh
cmp dh,100
jb @@smearloopcol
inc di
cmp di,640
jb @@smearlooprow
call copy
push ds
load ds,fs
load es,0a000h
mov bx,640
mov dx,64000-640
call alias
call alias
pop ds
call copy
load es,0a000h
xor di,di
mov cx,32000
xor ax,ax
rep stosw
lea si,cs:mazepal
call fillpalette
genclouds endp
genlogo proc near
mov cs:randseed,35212
lea di,ds:palette
load es,ds
mov cx,768
xor ax,ax
rep stosb
call setpalette
push ds es
push cs
pop ds
push 0a000h
pop es
lea si,logo
mov di,40+85*320
mov dh,15
mov dl,15
@@row: lodsb
mov bh,al
mov cx,8
@@byte: xor ax,ax
rcl bh,1
jnc @@black
mov ax,0ffffh
call random
and ax,7f7fh
@@black: mov es:[di+320],ax
loop @@byte
dec dl
jnz @@row
add di,320+320-120*2
dec dh
jnz @@col
@@alias: push es
pop ds
mov dx,3
xor ah,ah
xor di,di
mov si,di
mov bp,160
@@aliaschar: mov cx,320
@@aliasrow: lodsb
add al,es:[si]
adc ah,0
add al,es:[si+319]
adc ah,0
add al,es:[si+320]
adc ah,0
shr ax,2
loop @@aliasrow
dec bp
jnz @@aliaschar
dec dx
jnz @@aliasonce
pop es ds
lea si,cs:logopal
call fillpalette
xor bp,bp
mov bx,64
@@fadein: call waitrtc
call fade
inc bp
inc bp
dec bx
jnz @@fadein
mov timer,0
@@wait: cmp timer,100
jb @@wait
mov bx,64
@@fadeout: call waitrtc
call fade
dec bp
dec bp
dec bx
jnz @@fadeout
genlogo endp
alias proc near
mov di,bx
@@aliasloop: xor cx,cx
mov cl,[di]
shl cx,2
mov ax,cx
mov cl,[di+1]
mov ch,0
shl cx,1
add ax,cx
mov cl,[di-1]
mov ch,0
shl cx,1
add ax,cx
mov cl,[di+bx]
mov ch,0
shl cx,1
add ax,cx
mov cl,[di-bx]
mov ch,0
shl cx,1
add ax,cx
mov cl,[di-bx-1]
mov ch,0
add ax,cx
mov cl,[di-bx+1]
add ax,cx
mov cl,[di+bx+1]
add ax,cx
mov cl,[di+bx-1]
add ax,cx
shr ax,4
mov es:[di],al
inc di
cmp di,dx
jb @@aliasloop
alias endp
copy proc near
push ds
load es,fs
load ds,0a000h
xor si,si
xor di,di
mov cx,32000
rep movsw
pop ds
copy endp
filledcircle proc near
xor bx,bx
mov cx,radius
mov dx,cx
shl dx,1
neg dx
add dx,3
@@circloop: cmp bx,cx
jge @@vege
call @@circline
cmp dx,0
jge @@1
mov ax,bx
shl ax,2
add ax,6
add dx,ax
jmp @@ki
@@1: mov ax,bx
sub ax,cx
shl ax,2
add ax,10
add dx,ax
dec cx
@@ki: inc bx
jmp @@circloop
@@vege: cmp bx,cx
jne @@vege2
mov ax,yc
sub ax,cx
mov liney,ax
mov ax,xc
sub ax,bx
mov linexstart,ax
mov ax,xc
add ax,bx
mov linexend,ax
call horizline
mov ax,yc
add ax,cx
mov liney,ax
call horizline
mov ax,yc
sub ax,bx
mov liney,ax
mov ax,xc
sub ax,cx
mov linexstart,ax
mov ax,xc
add ax,cx
mov linexend,ax
call horizline
mov ax,yc
add ax,bx
mov liney,ax
call horizline
@@vege2: ret
filledcircle endp
horizline proc near
mov bx,linexstart
mov di,liney
mov ax,di
shl di,9
shl ax,7
add di,ax
add di,bx
mov cx,linexend
sub cx,bx
inc cx
mov al,color
rep stosb
horizline endp
sky proc near
mov bx,skyxstart
push ds
load ds,@clouds
mov bp,100
xor di,di
@@skyloop: mov si,bx
mov cx,320
rep movsb
add bx,640
dec bp
jnz @@skyloop
pop ds
sky endp
fillpalette proc near
push ds es
load es,ds
load ds,cs
lea di,palette
xor ax,ax
@@set: lodsw
xchg cx,ax
jcxz @@end
xchg bx,ax
xchg dx,ax
@@col: mov es:[di],bh
mov es:[di+1],dh
mov es:[di+2],ah
add bx,[si]
add dx,[si+2]
add ax,[si+4]
add di,3
loop @@col
add si,6
jmp @@set
@@end: pop es ds
fillpalette endp
setpalette proc near
lea si,palette
mov dx,03c8h
xor al,al
out dx,al
inc dl
mov cx,768
rep outsb
setpalette endp
fade proc near
lea si,ds:palette
mov dx,03c8h
xor ax,ax
out dx,al
inc dl
mov cx,768
@@3: lodsb
imul ax,bp
shr ax,7
out dx,al
loop @@3
fade endp
drawvirt proc near
call waitrtc
push ds
load es,0a000h
load ds,@virtscr
xor si,si
xor di,di
mov cx,32000
rep movsw
pop ds
drawvirt endp
waitrtc proc near
mov dx,3dah
in al,dx
test al,08h
jz @@wait1
in al,dx
test al,08h
jnz @@wait2
waitrtc endp
random proc near
push bx cx dx
mov cx,ax
mov ax,75
mov bx,cs:randseed
mul bx
add ax,74
sbb ax,dx
mov cs:randseed,ax
xor dx,dx
div cx
mov ax,dx
pop dx cx bx
random endp
randseed dw 0
mazedat dw 1000100100000100b
dw 1110101111010111b
dw 0000101001010000b
dw 1011101101011011b
dw 1000100100000010b
dw 1011110101111010b
dw 1000010001000010b
dw 1101010111101110b
dw 0001010100000000b
dw 0111011110111111b
dw 0000000000100000b
dw 1111011011101111b
dw 0100000000001000b
dw 0101111011111101b
dw 0000001010000001b
dw 1111101111101101b
logo label byte
db 2,2,0,2,0,152,17,252,0,8,4,128,0,16,0,2,135,0,7,0
db 80,28,127,128,28,3,0,0,56,0,7,134,0,7,32,120,8,56,192,28
db 131,0,0,57,0,7,142,0,47,64,124,24,48,32,189,7,0,1,122,0
db 7,207,0,27,128,50,24,48,48,110,7,64,0,220,0,15,203,64,9,128
db 51,24,48,80,38,3,128,0,76,0,13,217,128,17,200,49,184,48,16,71
db 33,128,0,142,64,44,209,0,16,240,113,176,32,16,67,193,128,0,135,128
db 24,240,160,255,224,48,176,32,51,255,133,128,7,255,0,24,240,192,54,224
db 52,244,40,80,219,131,160,1,183,0,60,224,192,32,224,56,120,112,16,131
db 129,192,1,7,0,56,112,192,64,112,120,112,96,49,1,193,192,2,3,128
db 48,112,96,64,112,112,48,96,225,1,193,132,66,3,128,116,120,104,208,120
db 240,49,127,195,65,227,248,198,131,192,248,236,241,240,204,152,120,255
db 7,195,51,255,143,134,96
cubes dw 100, 100, 100
dw -100,-100,-100
dw -100, 100, 100
dw 100,-100, 100
dw 100, 100,-100
dw -100,-100, 100
dw 100,-100,-100
dw -100, 100,-100
dw 50, 50, 50
dw -50, 50, 50
dw 50,-50, 50
dw 50, 50,-50
dw -50,-50, 50
dw 50,-50,-50
dw -50, 50,-50
dw -50,-50,-50
dw 0,0,0
logopal dw 48,103,114,163,103,114,163
dw 55,4944,5472,7824,204,195,153
dw 0
mazepal dw 127,17*256,14*256,34*256,46*2,49*2,29*2
dw 128,24*256,4*256,0,78,118,126
dw 0
mandalapal dw 127,13*256,10*256,26*256,100,102,74
dw 128,63*256,63*256,63*256,-100,-102,-74
dw 0
firepal dw 63,256,57,0,256,57,0
dw 64,63*256,14*256,0,-8,142,85
dw 64,61*256,49*256,21*256,8,57,171
dw 64,0,14*256,26*256,252,199,150
dw 0
stripepal dw 143,5376,512,512,68,81,18
dw 0
end main